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Revenge of the meta-tag!

A couple of key points about why you should consider taking meta-tags more seriously
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Popup Nightmare 2.0?

One of the really big issues facing us is the new Javascript-driven ad technology called "floats".
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Safari 2.0, display:none, and getComputedStyle

Jonathan Snook: In Safari 2.0.4 (419.3), you can't use getComputedStyle on an element that has display set to none
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How not to make websites

An article looking at the current trend of websites, and their copycat nature.
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Four second cut-off

Shoppers are likely to abandon a website if it takes longer than four seconds to load, a survey suggests.
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The 100% Easy-2-Read Dogma

If unreadable text drives you as crazy as ants in your underpants, this is going to make you go aaaaahhh
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SWFUpload: A nicer file upload experience

SWFUpload, a small JavaScript/Flash library that tries to re-make the way file uploads works on the internet
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Bring Your Personas to Life!

So you've got your persona set all neatly defined and documented. Now what?
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Three reasons sites break in Internet Explorer 7

Roger Johansson of 456BereaStreet on three common issues with IE7 to be aware of
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The Multiheader - A Huge Trend in Homepage Design

Multiheaders allows multiple stories or features access to the primary visibility section, and let visitors choose which featured piece they want to see

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